This past Friday, Neal Boortz must’ve substituted (as he sometimes does) for Herman Cain. I heard a brief political discussion between Boortz, WSB’s morning host Scott Slade, and WSB’s chief political correspondent (often heard on Sean Hannity’s radio show), Jamie Dupree. As soon as I turned on the radio, I heard Boortz ranting—as he often does—about the attention republicans are giving to the “social issues.” He specifically mentioned same-sex (I think he said “gay”) marriage.
I can’t yet find any audio of the exchange from Friday, but Boortz sounded very much like he does here:
In this exchange with Jamie Dupree in late 2012 on “gay marriage” Boortz declares, “No one has ever been able to show me how this whole thing about gay marriage is going to affect me, my life, the future of my family, my daughter, her husband, my grandbaby, it’s going to have no effect on [us].”
He then asks Jamie Dupree, “Do some other elements out there, Jamie, just revel in getting these issues in front of the people so that they just ignore the stuff that’s really important to them?” Dupree replies, “I don’t know [it’s] so they ignore the stuff. I do think that this is an important issue for some people on the right.” An indignant Boortz then asks, “On what basis?!”
Unable to well articulate the Christian conservative position on this grave issue, Dupree, sounding frustrated, weakly replies, “Look, that’s how they feel. Whether it’s right or wrong in your own mind isn’t the point, is it? It is an important issue for them.”
Boortz then gives the predictably moronic reply so often thrown out by liberals who rabidly support all things homosexual, and libertarians who seemingly just don’t want to exert the mental effort necessary to understand why redefining marriage (and other similar moral issues) is so important: “If they’re so opposed to it, then don’t marry somebody of their sex. Wow, problem solved.”
(Of course, this sounds a lot like the bumper sticker you see often in support of the “right” to kill children in the womb (a moral issue that Boortz is also infamously bad on): “Don’t like abortion? Then don’t have one.” Whenever someone tries this nonsense on you, reply with: “So according to your logic, ‘Don’t like slavery? Then don’t own one.’ is a valid argument to be made?”)
Dupree continues to display his ignorant simpleton thinking on the matter and replies, “Some things are a big deal for certain sections, certain groups of people, and not a big deal for others.” Boortz then presents a mocking hypothetical where the country is nearing economic collapse, and in his best hick voice concludes, “That may be so, but at least them gays can’t get married.”
This type of lame libertarian thinking on the moral issues is one of the biggest reasons why so many young people are deceived on marriage, abortion, and the like. Given all of his years on the radio and in print, I find it quite unbelievable that Boortz has never had a call, email, or a face-to-face that has given him the correct Christian conservative position on marriage, et al. Sad as it is, it seems that Boortz and his ilk regularly and intelligently need to be shown why redefining marriage is a disaster for the country—including and beyond the biblical reasons.
For example, libertarians like Boortz (rightly) despise the welfare state. Why despise it? After all, isn’t it simply a matter of “fairness” to take from those who have plenty (or just more) and give it to those who are poor (or to those who have less)? Don’t libertarians like Neal Boortz want to help those in need? Why is it “wrong” to empower the government in such a way?
Boortz has gone so far as to call (most of) the poor in America “perpetrators.” He adds that, “Barack Obama has placed more people on food stamps than any president in history. The goal here is not so much to take care of people who can’t afford their food, as it is to create a dependency society of loyal Democrat voters. These are people who have discovered that they can earn a living at the ballot box.” To illustrate this, Boortz provides a “factoid:” “In the great social welfare state being constructed by Democrats, a person can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as they can working [a] $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.” (Emphasis his.)
Boortz (again, rightly) fears for the country. To have tens-of-millions of Americans so dependent on government is an unsustainable financial disaster that will reap tragic benefits for most all of us, and may destroy the country as we know it. As Ben Franklin put it, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
Boortz (again, rightly—libertarians do get much right) is implying that the welfare state gives millions upon millions of Americans, who are otherwise quite capable, an incentive to be lazy, and thus shields them from suffering the “right and just” (“If a man does not work, he shall not eat.”) consequences of their immoral actions—consequences that might well help them see the error of their ways and turn from their wickedness. In other words, Boortz is making a moral argument against the welfare state. (He also seems to understand well my proverb, “It is no act of charity to be generous with someone else’s money.”)
And just when did the U.S. embark on this disaster? As the Heritage Foundation noted earlier this month, “Fifty-one years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the War on Poverty. Since then, taxpayers have spent more than $22 trillion fighting Johnson’s war, three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history. Last year, taxpayers spent more than $920 billion on 80 different anti-poverty programs.”
What other national disaster began around the same time as, and has greatly contributed to the growth of, the welfare state? The sexual revolution, which of course, led to the collapse of the biblical family model in America. As the Heritage piece also notes, “A major reason for the nation’s lack of success for the last half century has been the collapse of marriage. Marriage is a powerful force in reducing poverty; a single mother with children is four times more likely to be poor than a similar mother who is married. More than two-thirds of all poor families with children in the U.S. are headed by single parents.”
Boortz seemingly understands the link to out-of-wedlock births and poverty when he gives his three steps for avoiding poverty: 1.) Stay in school 2.) Don’t get pregnant (Presumably he means outside of marriage. Gasp!—Again, sounds rather like a bit of “moralizing” on the part of Mr. Boortz!) 3.) When you get out of school, get a job. Any job. And keep that job until you can find one that pays better.
Of course, children need their biological parents to be, and to remain, married for reasons that extend far beyond those that are financial. How often must that which common sense (or at least it used to be common) and sound morality have always revealed be repeated to libertarian dolts like Boortz: children are meant to be raised by their mother and father! It is in the best interest of good government to encourage this, or to at least not undermine it. It has been pointed out ad nauseam the tragic consequences that often result when children grow up in a home without their mom and dad. What a disaster we are forcing on millions of unsuspecting and powerless children when our culture won’t recognize one of the longest standing truths in the history of humanity!
Are you understanding “the basis” for standing up for marriage now, Neal? (And please, don't try the "We shouldn't legislate morality" nonsense.)
What’s more, if the courts force same-sex marriage upon all of America, the terrible consequences will infect all of the U.S., as homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” will have the full force of the U.S. law behind it. This means that the lawsuits against small (or large) businesses (that are already bankrupting some) who refuse to participate in this perversion will be on the increase. In addition, churches, individuals, and organizations who speak out against this perversion will face “civil rights” penalties.
Perhaps worst of all, school children at every level all across the country will be taught that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and the perverse redefinition of marriage. Thus hundreds-of-millions of American children will grow up with an even more distorted view of what marriage and parenting are really all about.
Additionally, once the legal precedent for redefining marriage is set, the door is open for polyamorous marriage, incestuous marriage, and the like. If we are morally blind to homosexual "marriage," then we must be to the other perversions as well. Do you see now, Mr. Boortz, how this affects not only the future of your family, but the future of us all?
He then asks Jamie Dupree, “Do some other elements out there, Jamie, just revel in getting these issues in front of the people so that they just ignore the stuff that’s really important to them?” Dupree replies, “I don’t know [it’s] so they ignore the stuff. I do think that this is an important issue for some people on the right.” An indignant Boortz then asks, “On what basis?!”
Unable to well articulate the Christian conservative position on this grave issue, Dupree, sounding frustrated, weakly replies, “Look, that’s how they feel. Whether it’s right or wrong in your own mind isn’t the point, is it? It is an important issue for them.”
Boortz then gives the predictably moronic reply so often thrown out by liberals who rabidly support all things homosexual, and libertarians who seemingly just don’t want to exert the mental effort necessary to understand why redefining marriage (and other similar moral issues) is so important: “If they’re so opposed to it, then don’t marry somebody of their sex. Wow, problem solved.”
(Of course, this sounds a lot like the bumper sticker you see often in support of the “right” to kill children in the womb (a moral issue that Boortz is also infamously bad on): “Don’t like abortion? Then don’t have one.” Whenever someone tries this nonsense on you, reply with: “So according to your logic, ‘Don’t like slavery? Then don’t own one.’ is a valid argument to be made?”)
Dupree continues to display his ignorant simpleton thinking on the matter and replies, “Some things are a big deal for certain sections, certain groups of people, and not a big deal for others.” Boortz then presents a mocking hypothetical where the country is nearing economic collapse, and in his best hick voice concludes, “That may be so, but at least them gays can’t get married.”
This type of lame libertarian thinking on the moral issues is one of the biggest reasons why so many young people are deceived on marriage, abortion, and the like. Given all of his years on the radio and in print, I find it quite unbelievable that Boortz has never had a call, email, or a face-to-face that has given him the correct Christian conservative position on marriage, et al. Sad as it is, it seems that Boortz and his ilk regularly and intelligently need to be shown why redefining marriage is a disaster for the country—including and beyond the biblical reasons.
For example, libertarians like Boortz (rightly) despise the welfare state. Why despise it? After all, isn’t it simply a matter of “fairness” to take from those who have plenty (or just more) and give it to those who are poor (or to those who have less)? Don’t libertarians like Neal Boortz want to help those in need? Why is it “wrong” to empower the government in such a way?
Boortz has gone so far as to call (most of) the poor in America “perpetrators.” He adds that, “Barack Obama has placed more people on food stamps than any president in history. The goal here is not so much to take care of people who can’t afford their food, as it is to create a dependency society of loyal Democrat voters. These are people who have discovered that they can earn a living at the ballot box.” To illustrate this, Boortz provides a “factoid:” “In the great social welfare state being constructed by Democrats, a person can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as they can working [a] $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.” (Emphasis his.)
Boortz (again, rightly) fears for the country. To have tens-of-millions of Americans so dependent on government is an unsustainable financial disaster that will reap tragic benefits for most all of us, and may destroy the country as we know it. As Ben Franklin put it, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”
Boortz (again, rightly—libertarians do get much right) is implying that the welfare state gives millions upon millions of Americans, who are otherwise quite capable, an incentive to be lazy, and thus shields them from suffering the “right and just” (“If a man does not work, he shall not eat.”) consequences of their immoral actions—consequences that might well help them see the error of their ways and turn from their wickedness. In other words, Boortz is making a moral argument against the welfare state. (He also seems to understand well my proverb, “It is no act of charity to be generous with someone else’s money.”)
And just when did the U.S. embark on this disaster? As the Heritage Foundation noted earlier this month, “Fifty-one years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the War on Poverty. Since then, taxpayers have spent more than $22 trillion fighting Johnson’s war, three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history. Last year, taxpayers spent more than $920 billion on 80 different anti-poverty programs.”
What other national disaster began around the same time as, and has greatly contributed to the growth of, the welfare state? The sexual revolution, which of course, led to the collapse of the biblical family model in America. As the Heritage piece also notes, “A major reason for the nation’s lack of success for the last half century has been the collapse of marriage. Marriage is a powerful force in reducing poverty; a single mother with children is four times more likely to be poor than a similar mother who is married. More than two-thirds of all poor families with children in the U.S. are headed by single parents.”
Boortz seemingly understands the link to out-of-wedlock births and poverty when he gives his three steps for avoiding poverty: 1.) Stay in school 2.) Don’t get pregnant (Presumably he means outside of marriage. Gasp!—Again, sounds rather like a bit of “moralizing” on the part of Mr. Boortz!) 3.) When you get out of school, get a job. Any job. And keep that job until you can find one that pays better.
Of course, children need their biological parents to be, and to remain, married for reasons that extend far beyond those that are financial. How often must that which common sense (or at least it used to be common) and sound morality have always revealed be repeated to libertarian dolts like Boortz: children are meant to be raised by their mother and father! It is in the best interest of good government to encourage this, or to at least not undermine it. It has been pointed out ad nauseam the tragic consequences that often result when children grow up in a home without their mom and dad. What a disaster we are forcing on millions of unsuspecting and powerless children when our culture won’t recognize one of the longest standing truths in the history of humanity!
Are you understanding “the basis” for standing up for marriage now, Neal? (And please, don't try the "We shouldn't legislate morality" nonsense.)
What’s more, if the courts force same-sex marriage upon all of America, the terrible consequences will infect all of the U.S., as homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” will have the full force of the U.S. law behind it. This means that the lawsuits against small (or large) businesses (that are already bankrupting some) who refuse to participate in this perversion will be on the increase. In addition, churches, individuals, and organizations who speak out against this perversion will face “civil rights” penalties.
Perhaps worst of all, school children at every level all across the country will be taught that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and the perverse redefinition of marriage. Thus hundreds-of-millions of American children will grow up with an even more distorted view of what marriage and parenting are really all about.
Additionally, once the legal precedent for redefining marriage is set, the door is open for polyamorous marriage, incestuous marriage, and the like. If we are morally blind to homosexual "marriage," then we must be to the other perversions as well. Do you see now, Mr. Boortz, how this affects not only the future of your family, but the future of us all?
Copyright 2015, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
In defense of Dupree, he never articulates an opinion on anything. He does an extremely good job of simply reporting what's happening without adding any commentary or opinion.
ReplyDeleteI like Dupree, and yes, he is very crafty as a commentator and does a good job of hiding his opinions. However, I still think he should be able to better explain the Christian conservative opinion on these matters. In other words, something more than "that's how they feel."