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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Another Mass Murderer Obsessed with Sex (updated)

As our nation mourns the victims of yet another mass murderer, we are barely two days removed from the crimes and the media yet again seems determined to demonize one particular instrument of death used by the killer, Elliot Rodger. Three of Rodger's six fatally wounded victims were shot to death, three were stabbed to death, and several others were seriously injured as a result of Rodger crashing his car, but of course, the focus will be on guns.

As early as late last night, CNN posted the headline: "Father of rampage victim: 'When will this insanity stop?'" The quote is from Richard Martinez, the father of one of the victims, Christopher Martinez. "Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights, what about Chris' right to live?" Mr. Martinez asked. He added, "When will this insanity stop?"

I won't bemoan a father who has just lost his young son. After all, tens-of-millions of Americans have been conditioned for decades now to blame guns, pro-gun politicians, and the NRA as Mr. Martinez demonstrates, instead of the perpetrators when it comes to criminal gun violence. Is there any doubt that the mainstream media will again take the opportunity to call for more gun control by the government as a solution to this violence?

Whether a shooting rampage, or the mass murder of the most defenseless among us using a pair of scissors, it seems that most of America is now blind to the real problems that plague our culture. As Uncle Si, one of the prophets of Duck Dynasty, taught us last year, when it comes to criminal violence with guns, "It ain't gun control we need, it's sin control."

How likely is it that Elliot Rodger was brought up in a home where the "virtues" of gun control were taught? His father being a noted Hollywood director, I would say that the chances are pretty good that Rodger often heard of the "evils" of guns. Whether this happened in the home, he certainly would have been privy to such preaching in the circles of the Hollywood elite.

One thing we do know, young Elliot almost certainly did not get the truth when it comes to family, women, and sexuality. Along with his directorial duties, his father Peter Rodger has another line of work: photographing the bare-backsides of women and selling the photos as "art." In fact, according to online reports (I refuse to visit the site), it seems that all Mr. Rodger sells on his website are his perverted works of misogyny.

According to The Blaze, Peter Rodger's website also contains sexually suggestive photos of his wife (Elliot's stepmother). Can there be any real surprise then that his son had misguided views about sex and therefore came to hate women? It is worth noting that the most common element among the worst murderers in the history of the United States is not guns, but sexual deviancy. This is especially true of serial killers. From Gary Ridgway to John Wayne Gacy to Ted Bundy to Jeffrey Dahmer, American serial killers are notorious for their sexual perversions. (Homosexuality is also common among these killers.) These mass murderers rarely, if ever, used guns.

And yes, as so often is the case with disturbed young people, Rodger's parents were divorced. "I was absolutely shocked, outraged, and above all, overwhelmed," wrote Rodger of his parents’ divorce. He further described the divorce as "a huge life-changing event." Rodger would also note that, prior to his parents' divorce, "I thought a man and a woman had to be married before living together in such a manner." His dad's subsequent behaviors would, tragically, teach him otherwise.

Whether its mass murder, mass out-of-wedlock births, rampant divorce, millions of abortions, marriage perversions, and the like, how long before America wakes up to the sin "that so easily entangles us?"

Bundy, Dahmer, Rodger, Gacy, and Ridgway--All mass murderers obsessed with sex

Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Worst killers in American history almost never used guns. But they all seem to come from broken homes along with being perverts.

    1. Yes, I messed up. Computer issues. I didn't think it went through. Not the name I wanted to use anyway.

    2. No problem. I deleted the other.
